Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Jaggery Soaked Gooseberry

Hello friends 😊😊😊. Gooseberry - The richest source of Vitamin C. Having gooseberry in our daily diet provides us with lot of Vitamin C. Mothers who feed their babies must take gooseberry daily to maintain the hemoglobin levels and it helps baby also to receive essential nutrients. Lots and lots of benefits are there for gooseberry and I'm listing few here.

Benefits of Gooseberry

  • Prevents premature aging
  • Rich in Vitamin C, Iron.
  • Maintains Hemoglobin Levels.
  • Prevents and cures scurvy
  • Problems like bleedy gums, teeth loosening, gingivitis, bone problems are avoided.
  • Antioxidant
  • Maintains skin texture

Preparation Time : 10 mins
Cooking Time : 5 mins
Total Time : 15 mins

Gooseberry - 5
Jaggery - 50 g


  • Boil the gooseberry for 5 mins
  • Take it out and make it small pieces.
  • Heat a pan and add jaggery and let it melt.(I have used organic jaggery, that is the reason for this color)
  • Now add in the boiled gooseberry pieces.
  • Give it a good mix.
  • Let it cool and store it in air tight containers.
  • It will take minimum of 2 days for it to get soaked.

Daily have two or three pieces of it. It will be very tasty and healthy
Try it and share your comments.

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