Friday, August 17, 2018

Elephant Foot Yam Kola

Hello buddies 😊😊😊  Yam is a healthy food with lots of benefits in it. It is good to take yam in our day to day life. Kolas are always tasty and can be served as a appetizer. This can be the best alternative for mutton kola balls and becomes a treat for vegetarians. The recipe is easy to make. One important thing that you need to take care is the proper consistency of the mixture. Other than that it is really simple to make. Let's look into the recipe.


  • Healthy low fat diet.
  • Rich in omega 3.
  • Used in Ayurveda for treating many ailments.
  • Blood purifier.
  • Balances hormones by increasing estrogen level in women.
  • Antioxidant.

Preparation Time : 15 mins
Cooking Time : 15 mins
Total Time : 30 mins


Senai Kizhangu (Elephant Foot Yam) - 250 g

To Grind
Roasted gram - 100 g
Coconut - 2 tablespoon
Ginger - 1 inch
Garlic - 3 
Red Chilli - 4
Fennel Seeds - 1 teaspoon
Cardamom - 1

Onions - 1(big)
Chopped Garlic - 3
Oil - for frying
Poppy Seeds - 1 tablespoon
Curry Leaves


  • Remove the skin from yam.
  • Grate it using a grater.
  • Heat water mildly in a vessel and dip grated yam in water (If the water is so hot then the yam will get mashed).
  • Take a blender and add in roasted gram and make it powder. 
  • Press the yam completely to remove water completely.
  • Now transfer the powder to a bowl and add in other items mentioned under 'To Grind' along with grated yam.
  • Grind it till all the ingredients gets mixed properly. Don't make it a smooth paste. (Don't add water).
  • Take out the grinded mixture in a bowl along with powdered roasted gram, add in chopped onions, chopped garlic, curry leaves and salt.
  • Add in 2 teaspoons of oil to mix it well. 
  • If you feel the mixture is so tight, add in 1 or 2 tablespoons of water.
  • Don't make it too loose.
  • Make small balls out of the mixture.
  • Take a pinch of poppy seeds and spread in your hands before making Kola balls.
  • Heat oil in a pan for deep frying.
  • Drop in the prepared kola balls and fry in batches.
  • Fry until it becomes brown in color. 
  • Drain the oil from the kola balls.
  • Outer crispy and inner soft Yam kolas are ready.

Note : Please check whether the shape is maintained. If the kolas break in oil, add in some rice flour to the grinded mixture and fry the next batch.

Yummy Elephant yam kolas are ready. Serve it hot and njoy the taste 😊😊😊
Please try and share your comments.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Masal Vadai

Hello buddies 🙏🙏🙏 Vadai is a type of savoury that is deep fried in oil. There are many variants of vadai. Among that  masal vadai is a crispy crunchy one. Masal vadai also known as paruppu vadai is made out of channa dal. The ingredients for this vadai are easily available in home. For making tamil traditional meal a special one, masal vadai is a must.

Making Masal Vadai is really simple except the time it takes for soaking channa dal. Onions and fennel seeds which we add in this recipe gives a very good flavour to it. The shaping of this vadai is not a big deal. Just it needs to be flattened. We can make some variants with this masal vadai. We will see those recipes in the future posts.

Preparation Time : 10 mins
Soaking Time : 2 hours
Cooking Time : 15 mins

To Grind 
Channa dal - 200g
Red Chilli - 4
Fennel Seeds - 1 teaspoon

For Mixing
Onions - 2 (big)
Fennel Seeds - 1 teaspoon
Curry Leaves

Oil - for frying

  • Soak the Channa dal for 2 hours.
  • Drain the water completely from the dal.
  • Take a blender and add in the soaked dal, red chillies, fennel seeds and salt
  • Grind it coarsely. Don't make a fine paste because, vadai won't be crunchy with a fine paste.
  • Take it out in a bowl and add in the chopped onions, chopped curry leaves and whole fennel seeds.
  • Mix well.
  • The above said ingredients gives a beautiful aroma to the vadai.
  • Now time to make vadai. 
  • Make small balls and flatten it by pressing it in hands.
  • Heat oil in a kadai for deep frying.
  • Fry the shaped vadai in batches.
  • Let it get fried till the color changes to brown.
  • Taste one, it has to be crispy and crunchy.
Enjoy the simple masal vadai. Make it for lunch or as a evening snack. Please try it and share your comments.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Banana Peanut Butter Smoothie

Hello friends 😊😊😊 Banana Smoothie can make a perfect mid day snack or at times an energetic breakfast. Banana can blend well with any flavour that can make the smoothie even tastier. Once you come to know how to make a smoothie, then you can run the imagination to the next level. We can make banana smoothie a perfect dessert filled with protein, fiber etc. by adding in extra ingredients.
In that way now we are going to make a Banana Peanut Butter Smoothie that tastes excellent.

Recipe for peanut butter can be found here. The way how to prepare peanut butter with soft peaks can be found in that link. Preparing peanut butter and storing it can help you make delicious desserts. You can surprise you guests instantly by preparing desserts with this peanut butter.

Benefits of Banana
Widely consumed fruit that helps lowers blood pressure.
Reduces the risk of cancer and asthma.
Supports digestion.
Rich in Vitamins and minerals such as calcium, potassium, riboflavin, B6.
Good for treating anemia.

Preparation Time : 5 mins

Banana - 2
Peanut Butter - 1 tablespoon
Sugar - 2 tablespoon
Honey - 1 tablespoon
Cardamom - 2
Milk - 100 ml

  • Peel the bananas and slice them into pieces.
  • Take a blender, add in sliced bananas and milk.
  • Take out the seeds from cardamom and save the outer part. That can be used when making tea, which gives an excellent flavour to the tea.
  • Add in the separated cardamom seeds in the blender along with bananas.
  • Add in Sugar. You can adjust the sweetness of this smoothie by tasting it.
  • Now time to add Peanut Butter. 
  • Grind it well so that everything gets mixed properly and gives a nice blend to make a perfect smoothie.
  • Take it in a glass and top with some honey.
Short note for making Peanut butter(For full recipe click here)
  • Take unsalted roasted peanuts and remove the skin.
  • Grind the peanuts to make a paste till it starts to leave oil from it.
  • Now add in sugar and oil and grind it in intervals of 1 min.
  • Grind it till soft peak appears.
  • Store in fridge.
Njoy the excellent taste of banana peanut butter smoothie. Try and share your comments.