Monday, August 13, 2018

Banana Peanut Butter Smoothie

Hello friends 😊😊😊 Banana Smoothie can make a perfect mid day snack or at times an energetic breakfast. Banana can blend well with any flavour that can make the smoothie even tastier. Once you come to know how to make a smoothie, then you can run the imagination to the next level. We can make banana smoothie a perfect dessert filled with protein, fiber etc. by adding in extra ingredients.
In that way now we are going to make a Banana Peanut Butter Smoothie that tastes excellent.

Recipe for peanut butter can be found here. The way how to prepare peanut butter with soft peaks can be found in that link. Preparing peanut butter and storing it can help you make delicious desserts. You can surprise you guests instantly by preparing desserts with this peanut butter.

Benefits of Banana
Widely consumed fruit that helps lowers blood pressure.
Reduces the risk of cancer and asthma.
Supports digestion.
Rich in Vitamins and minerals such as calcium, potassium, riboflavin, B6.
Good for treating anemia.

Preparation Time : 5 mins

Banana - 2
Peanut Butter - 1 tablespoon
Sugar - 2 tablespoon
Honey - 1 tablespoon
Cardamom - 2
Milk - 100 ml

  • Peel the bananas and slice them into pieces.
  • Take a blender, add in sliced bananas and milk.
  • Take out the seeds from cardamom and save the outer part. That can be used when making tea, which gives an excellent flavour to the tea.
  • Add in the separated cardamom seeds in the blender along with bananas.
  • Add in Sugar. You can adjust the sweetness of this smoothie by tasting it.
  • Now time to add Peanut Butter. 
  • Grind it well so that everything gets mixed properly and gives a nice blend to make a perfect smoothie.
  • Take it in a glass and top with some honey.
Short note for making Peanut butter(For full recipe click here)
  • Take unsalted roasted peanuts and remove the skin.
  • Grind the peanuts to make a paste till it starts to leave oil from it.
  • Now add in sugar and oil and grind it in intervals of 1 min.
  • Grind it till soft peak appears.
  • Store in fridge.
Njoy the excellent taste of banana peanut butter smoothie. Try and share your comments.

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