Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Peanut Butter

Yummy day folks👋👋👋 Here comes a treat for peanut lovers. Delicious, yummy peanut butter. It is really as simple as ABC to make. Have a look at the recipe below

Preparation Time : 5 mins
Cooking Time : 10 mins
Total Time : 15 mins


Roasted Unsalted Peanut - 100 g
Sugar - 2 tablespoon
Peanut Oil - 2 tablespoon
Cocoa Powder - 1 tablespoon (optional)


  • If the peanuts are not roasted, roast it in a pan for 5 - 10 mins till it changes color slightly.
  • Remove the skin out of it.
  • Add the peanuts in blender and grind for 1 min.
  • Now it might have become powder.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of oil.
  • Use a spatula to collect everything from the edges and grind it for another minute.
  • Repeat the same process till it becomes moist.
  • Now add sugar and the other tablespoon of oil.
  • Grind it in 1 minute intervals till soft peaks appear.
  • I have added cocoa powder to add flavor. You can skip this step if you don't want choco flavor in it.

Take it in a jar and you can refrigerate it for future purposes. Yummy Peanut butter is ready. Isn't easy? Do try it and share your comments. 

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